Contact Us

Individual items shown on the web site may have been sold and while replicas can be made, there will be differences.

Each piece is created entirely by hand and is absolutely unique. Even the humble mug and other production items will have small variations from the making and firing: it is what makes hand-made items so special.

You can't pile our items in a "shopping cart" but we would be happy to begin a dialogue by phone or email to find the perfect items for your daily use, collection or gift.


(604) 522-8803

Keith & Celia Rice-Jones
8072-11th Avenue
Burnaby, B.C. V3N 2N7


View in Google Maps

Visiting Wildrice Studio is to see the works in progress, a sense of their place and the makers; to see individual pieces as part of a lifestyle and how they could fit into yours and be gifts for special occasions.

Visitors are always welcome and work from the studio is available at any time by appointment.

Our studio in Burnaby, on the border of New Westminister, is a short drive to or sky train ride from downtown Vancouver.